Please pay the amount {calculation-2} PKR to the following bank account to avail the services and upload the payment proof receipt in the upload sectionHere are the bank detailsMeezan bank Account name: Opportunities Circle (SMC PVT LTD)Account #: 03080103821386IBAN #: PK33MEZN0003080103821386
Please pay the amount $ {calculation-1} to the following bank account to avail the services and upload the payment proof receipt in the upload file sectionHere are the bank detailsBank Name: Meezan BankAccount Title: Opportunitiescircle SMC PVT Limited Bank Branch: F8 markaz Islamabad Branch Account #: 03080103821386 IBAN #: PK33MEZN0003080103821386 Bank SWIFT Code: MEZNPKKA